Skating Lessons

Learn-to-skate better on  Roller Skates or Rollerblades/Inline Skates

Mums & Dads, Boys & Girls, Young Adults – ALL WELCOME!

learn to skate lessons

Improve balance, basic stride, forward & backward skating, starting & stopping, turning, transitions, improving your use of edges, basic “tricks” and more.

Classes are usually held for beginner to intermediate skaters on Saturdays, from 4:45-5:30, most weekends, including many of the school holiday weekends. Pay-as-you go, so no term or block fees for classes you cannot attend.  Cost is $16, with FREE skate hire, if needed — for kids & adults.

BTW, because the public skating session finishes at 4:30, we request that you avoid queuing up before 4:35 (to save you waiting or getting caught in the traffic.)

Skating lessons are on every Saturday, including many school holidays.  Updates to times are posted on our Times & Prices Page (SEE HERE for term times/changes) or (SEE HERE for School Holiday changes) under the “Lessons” part of the image, or call us on 0411 33 55 44

call us 9am-9pm

Please call with enquiries – 0411 335544