Sport Specific Skate Flooring
Towards the end of 2019, we moved our rink into the 21st Century with our new gold standard flooring, after years of research and testing. Find out more below.Change can be challenging and costly, and there was much to consider, given our tradition of Epoxy Coated Concrete. What encouraged us to reconsider?
LOOKING FOR WHICH WHEELS TO USE? CLICK HERE Sport Court Flooring is faster and offers better cornering than old-school concrete-epoxy floors, for both inline and roller skates. ALL NATIONAL & INTERNATIONAL hockey competitions, in Australia, and anywhere else in the world, are on sports court flooring, and similarly, many elite level flat-track roller derby comps use the same flooring, all over the US and Europe. The “new age” flooring keeps a more consistent grip and roll throughout the year and is less affected by humidity (that makes concrete floors very slippery, and which is a problem for many Australian roller rinks). We were possibly the only rink in Australia that re-coated the epoxy surface every single year, whereas some or most rinks do it every few years, and the quality and performance, for the level of competition we have at out centre, is far superior now than with the old epoxy surface. Our style of sports court does not shed powdery residue, and in our tests, outperformed concrete-epoxy, concrete-urethane, concrete-paving-paint, and urethane or varnish finished wood floors. Any falls on the polymer (sport-court-type flooring) tend to be less impactful than on concrete floors. The material provides both real and psychological advantages on novices’ perceptions regarding “what if” situations. Sports court floors are not affected (at least at our centre) by expansion joints or “saw cuts” common on concrete floors, or the loosening of floorboards, or fillers used in either of the latter. During times of rapid temperate changes and seasonal rain or humidity variations, we sometimes needed to repair expansion joints 3-4 times per week, and a full resurfacing required us to close for at least a week, and even then, we couldn’t quite get the consistency we achieved with sports court. MORE INFORMATION & CONTACT If you would like to know the types of wheels that may best suit your needs, for (1) roller skates or for (2) inline skates (rollerblades) please refer to the pictographs below. All images are the property of their respective owners and are used here for illustration and information purposes only |