Training and Scrimmages
Keep an eye on the main hockey page (HERE) and on the Facebook IIHAA Page for more updates and official notifications.
“Hockey fit” Hockey Basics
MONDAY – Intermed. & Senior – 5:30-6:30 $12 or $14 (plus hire, if needed)
Mixed social-level for entry-level or new hockey players
men/women/boys/girls welcome
All entry-level players welcome!
*Soft Puck Training
Advanced Skill Training
*SUNDAY EVENINGS – Times vary – cost varies
Please ask to see if you are suited
*Hard Puck Training
NB: No public scrimmages currently available – private scrimmages, by invitation only
Please call 0411 33 55 44 if you need more info. Also, please keep an eye on the IIHAA Facebook page for additional updates. Please make sure you have joined your team/group’s chat!
Please avoid Messaging/email contact, as email/text/Facebook/Google/Instagram/iMaps message volumes are extremely high, and there can be long delays in responding. We have extended our office hours to make it easier to call. After 8:00PM, you may call the centre directly on (03) 5223 2481.